Is it really a girl?! 😕

So I did the ramzi theory test at 6w 3d and it came back boy. Then I did the SneakPeek gender test at 10 weeks and it came back girl. I had an ultrasound at exactly 13 weeks and everyone guess guessed girl based on the nub theory. And I went to an elective ultrasound at 15 weeks to see if I could figure out the gender early and the ultrasound tech almost immediately said girl. Then I asked was she 100% sure because it's what I want but I didn't want to get my hopes just yet so she looked more then said she might have seen something but then turned around and said it may have just been the foot. So she basically said girl,boy, then settled back on it being a girl again. Anyone have this happen to them or have any pics of their girls at 15 weeks. It would definitely help ease my mind.