Help further dilation or start contractions...


So my first pregnant I only got to 1cm and didn’t really get that far at all. I had to be induced at 42 weeks with my daughter. I got to 4cm with pitocin in a day in a half so it was very slow, but I ended up having c section due to my blood pressure going up and her heart beat going up. But this is my second pregnancy(38 weeks) and I’m 3cm and 70% effaced I found out today and I have on and off contractions never constant. I was just 1cm and cervix was very high just last week and so I started walking, bouncing on ball, walking up and down stairs and a few exercises. So that’s why I’m guessing I dilated & effaced so I did it again today. I have a planned c section next Tuesday... and I’m trying to go natural this time. So what are some other ways to help contractions come or even help start further dilation. 🤔