This is a kind of vague question, I apologize, but when making a big decision, even if you get nervous or have doubts, that doesn't mean it's the wrong decision right?


My husband was laid off this past year and unemployed for six months- he applied everywhere target, Walmart, etc.. took that long to find a job. Now he's making like 1.75 over minimum wage right now but luckily he has a job!

I am four months pregnant, and luckily have a high paying job but it's not enough, and the demand for hours worked is a lot...and we are just incredibly behind on bills including our mortgage. I can't imagine when I have to go back to work and pay for child care how we will be even able to afford it right now...

His parents moved, but still have a house (definitely a fixer upper) that they owe some money on. We are in the process of debating selling our home, and renovating that one slowly. We would have a dramatic difference in payments as they owe like 40k on that house, and it comes with like four acres.

For my child it seems like a no brainer so we aren't drowning in bills; but I also get worried that eventually he will get a raise or maybe even a new job...

It's just hard! I get nervous!

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