Best friend problems

Gwendolyn • 🌻 17 🌻 insta: gwendolynxrosee

I was best friends with this girl for 7 years, just last month we got into a big fight. We were at the beach and I had some friend come because it was for my birthday, she had her boyfriend there which I didn't have a problem with, but I could say I was a little jealous of her boyfriend because me and her were so close until he came into the picture. Now what happened that day was I took two of my friend with me to the 711 on Main Street in HB because they didn't know where it was, then went to Johnny rockets. Before we left I asked if anyone else wanted to come and no one said anything. An hour later we when back to the spot and my best friend said her and her boyfriend were going to get food so I said "well it's getting late might as well all go, if that's ok?" I asked before just going. She said ok and not even 5 min. after her boyfriend came up to me and said that she wanted alone time with him, I didn't have a problem with that. She could've just told me. So I ended up take the guys again and just walking around a few hours later I texted her and I asked where they were. I asked if we were gonna go home, because she was my ride home and she knew that, well there's another girl that was with us and idk who's idea it was but that decided to ask where I was and when they drove pasted me they threw my bag of stuff out the car and told me to find my own way home. Am I in the wrong for getting mad at her? Should I even apologize? We were like sister, I kinda miss her but after that idk what to do:/