Water broke at 19 weeks ... sorry it's long.


So I went to my regular OB on the 24th and had my anatomy scan done. Dr came in and said my fluid was low and wanted to send me to perinatal the next day. So I go there and they told me that they couldn't see a lot of what was going on my fluid was too low and they wanted to do an amnioinfusion and get a better look at baby. So against my gut I allowed them to do it. Everything went as planned and they were doing the ultrasound and I could actually see the little guy moving around and i could feel it!! So then I asked if she could let me go pee quick and as soon as I stood up everything ran out of me. So now they said well there isn't much to do except wait it out and pray. They also told me that he has a pin hole in his heart and that his right foot is bent inwards. The doctor kept apologizing to me like it was the end. I refuse to give up on my boy ... I've tried for a year to get pregnant and I had 2 miscarriages along the way and a ton of health issues to go along with it. I've been praying for my boy and now I have him and idk how long I will be able to keep him. I'm torn apart ... half of me is saying it will be fine he just needs to stay in me a little longer. But the other half of me is saying what kind of selfish person are you, you're probably causing him more damage leaving him in there without enough fluid. Anyone have success stories or advice to share?? I need some kind of light at the end of this tunnel! Thank u in advance !!