Is this homophobic?

Albert 🐠 • 17. Self proclaimed lesbian. May 2nd. Kealey is my new mom.

So I live in the South. A lot of Trump supporters in my area. My biology teacher being one. Along with this guy named Alex who wears Confederate flag t-shirts and has no teeth. Today in class, I was sitting with Kenadi (my gf), and we were playing this computer game where the computer tried to guess an object we were thinking and one of the questions were "is it straigh?" and my class turned and looked at us and laughed. Which I wasn't offended by until my teacher goes "why is everyone looking at the self proclaimed lesbians" and then Alex goes "they are gay!!" and my biology teacher goes "that is what they think" and then Alex says in a snarky tone "bigotry!!" and then the teacher says "no, biology". Is this homophobic?

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