Do you consider panhandling (begging) harassment?

Just curious to see some of your opinions/stories. I live in a nice neighborhood in a smaller city in Florida. There's a Walgreens near my house that is convenient for random things (there's also a publix but isn't open too late)
Anyways the last three times in a row over the past two months I've stopped there I have been followed to the door and followed to my car by a woman once and the same man twice. They both ask for money, and right away I inform them I don't carry any cash on me. They always continue to persist and it makes me very uncomfortable. I'm all for giving food and do so anytime I have some on me.  I know, I know, I don't have to go to that certain Walgreens but I just wanted to see everyone's opinion on it & maybe how you ladies deal with it because I know there are some bigger cities that have it much worse than mine. 

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