Ugh... finally!

💕Michelle💕 • I`m a 38 yr old. My husband, 13 yr old son and I are excited to have a baby girl in July!

Ok just wanted to give some encouragement. My baby girl was born on July 10th and I was all about exclusively breast-feeding. Nothing else please. Well, she was born weighing 7lb 6oz. She latched on shallow and never could get her to get on deep unless The consultants would latch her on for me, Then she would pull off. Ugh so frustrating!

Well by day 3 (I was in hospital for 4 days because of a c-section and tubal ligation) she lost 9% of her body weight. So they told me that I have to 🍼feed 😱!! I was so upset and crying.

Well we went home with still trying to breastfeed with still 🍼 feeding. I was so sad. She still latched on shallow and for some reason I just couldn't get a hold of how women do it. My mother-in-law even said it was easy for her as well. Well that doesn't help when you feel like a failure😔. I still never gave up on feeding her the way I wanted. I pumped every two hours and gave her what I could when I pumped. I also made her latch also.

So I'm hear to tell any discouraged mom that to hang in there! My daughter is now 7 weeks old and just started latching like a pro😍!!! My milk supply went way down while I was pumping (getting mostly only an Ounce out of every session) and now I'm getting 4oz out of each season when I pump in between her latching. It's such a good feeling to provide for her in this way. Such an excited mama! So good luck ladies 😘

Just wanted to share my story. Hope it encourages those who are struggling.