Baby doesn't want to nurse anymore...

LaRue • First time mom to Violet💖 April 24th 2017! 👶🏼

Baby is 4 months and has been nursing pretty well until about a week ago, she has no interest in the boob anymore. BUT when I tried just giving her formula she got super cranky because she wasn't getting the mommy and baby bonding time.

I'm feeling soooo frustrated.

Any ideas what changed???

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It's called bottle preference. It's a risk you take when a bottle is introduced. Paced bottle feeding with a slow flow nipple help because it mimics breastfeeding.To help get baby back to breast:Your goal is to coax baby to the breast. Do not attempt to force your baby to breastfeed. Forcing baby to the breast does not work, stresses baby, and can result in baby forming an aversion to the can be helpful to offer a little supplement at the beginning of a feeding; this can take the edge off baby’s hunger so he has more patience to work on the breastfeeding. Lots of skin-to-skin contact can help encourage baby to latch. Go topless for a few days which baby in just a diaper. Get under the covers and stay there for a few days. Cuddle and let baby feel and smell you. No pressure on baby to latch. If he does great and if not that's ok too.A warm bath together helps calm baby down and the heat makes the milk flow faster.Babywear if you need mobility.Hand express or pump until let-down, just before trying to latch baby, so that baby gets an instant “reward” for latching onGel heating pads placed on the breasts before nursing may help because it helps the milk flow faster.Breast compressions while baby is nursing also gives a "reward" of an extra squirt of milk.A nursing supplemented may help as well as a nipple shield, although the shields are usually recommended as a last resort.


be • Aug 31, 2017
The only constant with baby's is that they are always changing lol. You're welcome, good luck 💜


LaRue • Aug 31, 2017
It's just odd because she has never really had gas or colic, and she has been fine with both the breast and bottles for awhile. Thank you for the advice though! I'll try just doing skin to skin and maybe a bath!


be • Aug 31, 2017
* yea I kind of agree with pp that said she might be trying to stimulate a letdown or gas. I thought she wouldn't latch at all.


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Wonder if she's maybe teething?🤔


Kimmy • Sep 1, 2017
Yes when they suck it hurts if they are teething so that may very well be it! There's not a ton you can do but some mommies make breast milk ice cubes and rub it on their gums or let them suck on it while u hold it tight but it's just one of those things that she will need to ride out because this goes on intermittently for a while! Eventually she will be hungry enough to nurse. Hang in there!


LaRue • Aug 31, 2017
Ohhh does that usually cause issues with nursing? She is def starting to teeth, I just didn't think that was connected to her issues with breastfeeding!


Posted at
What do you mean not interested? What is she doing exactly? Pulling off a lot? That's to encourage a let down. Being fussy on the boob like coming off and crying can also be a sign of reflux or wind


Emily • Aug 21, 2018
fast let down? try laying on your back and latching


LaRue • Aug 31, 2017
She will latch for about 2 minutes and then start crying. I usually try and burp her before getting her to re-latch, but then she just gets super upset.


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Any changes in your diet recently? ate something new?