Just done with everything


I've truly had enough of who I am. We've been trying for a while now and yesterday my period was due and I'm always on time. Of course I don't over think and just let the day go on. By the night time there was nothing and this morning there was nothing. So I took a test and was so happy to see pregnant appear. My husband is at work and was going to tell him when he got home. I now have gotten my period full fledge. The test could of been false and probably was but I've officially had enough of how all my family has said it'll just never be and won't happen. His sister just had a baby a few days ago and had the nerve to say to me that I'm just not meant to be a mom. That I wasn't blessed like her. Am I really that less of a women then her? Am I really never going to have a child of our own? Is this a punishment from god? To watch everyone have beautiful healthy babies and never to get to say or experience myself? I know some people can't get pregnant and want to and no I am not jealous. I'm just venting so I am sorry is this offends anyone. I'm just so alone and don't know what to do anymore with myself.