I'm so lost

Janyska • 💞💕

I have no idea what to do anymore. I don't have friends, I lost my job , my boyfriend left me and my family wants nothing to do with me. They are basically bulling me. I've tried to hold on for so long but I just feel hopeless and worthless. I'm broke and nobody gives a damn about me. I've reached out to several ppl for help but all I get is "oh damn" "lol that's crazy" "I'm so sorry thing is happening to you" "it will get better" but if I died right now they will swear they had no idea I've been having a hard time. I'm just always there for everyone when they need me no matter what no matter what time. I do anything for the ppl I love. But when it comes to me nobody gives a fly shit. And I'm tired. I'm not doing this for attention I just needed to vent. So don't start shit with me pls. I just wanna go to sleep and never wake up and fade away forever. Because I can't handle this crap anymore.