My ex is helping me grow.


My ex/baby father dated on and off for 5 years. He's now 26 and I'm 23. We have a beautiful almost 2 year old son. We've been through a lot of crap and he's cheated and I've lashed out and we really abused each other emotionally for years. We broke up for a year and we recently reconnected a few months ago and he's changed quite a bit. He's a lot more mature and responsible and empathetic. I had barely changed at all and I was still angry and mean and a bit insecure from our past. Instead of leaving me in my funk he's gone above and beyond to help me grow emotionally. He's more open to talking and letting me vent my frustrations and being more honest. He even bought me a journal so that I can write down anything I wasn't ready to say to him yet. I've experienced so much emotional clarity and I've felt more in tune with myself. We've continued to grow closer and closer and we've continued to grow together. I'll always be grateful for how he's changed me.