I'm broken.

I'm with the man I love dearly. I'll love him until I can't anymore. We got married in May 2 weeks after finding out we were pregnant, we planned our wedding for October anyways. So we just went ahead and got married. It was probably one of the most accomplished feelings in the world. Who wouldn't feel accomplished marrying the person who is everything to them.

We are falling apart. He won't stop drinking, after all the hurtful things he's said to me while drunk, he promises he won't drink anymore but less than a week later. It's happening again. He told me today, he don't want anyone anymore. Cause he can't drink and be himself with me. I dont want to drink, I have a son ( from previous relationship) plus i'm pregnant. I'm a stay at home mom, I just think we can spend our free time together with him sober at least once. But he don't see it that way..

I dont think I have ever felt this way before, i'm watching everything I've ever wanted fall apart right in front of me. My son is at his dads for his dads weekend, and it's harder when hes not here. When he's here, he's my reason not to cry and to stay strong..

My life is slowly just falling apart. We were so happy. I just don't understand where it all went wrong..