I can't keep this baby

I just found out that I am 1 and a half months pregnant. My husband wants to keep the baby but I just feel like this isn't the right time for me. I am still in law school and its been my dream to be an environmental lawyer since I was in high school. I still have two years to go. I know that if I have this baby now, I will have to sacrifice my schooling because the program I am in is very advanced and I can't take a break or risk slowing down. My husband is also no help and he says he will help out with the pregnancy and baby but I know for a fact that he's lying to make me keep the baby. He's always at work 24/7 and even when he is home he talks about work or is making phone calls. My husband says that if I get an abortion he will hate me forever and he will become depressed. I've never seen him like this he's technically blackmailing me. He says he might even divorce me. He's usually more understanding but we've been having this fight for like two weeks now and if I am going to abort I need to do it soon or it's a risk for my health. I need some advice on what to do......

UPDATE: My husband and I talked it out and he understands my position. We both cried and it was really hard for us. Some of these comments honestly made me feel like the worst human being on this planet. I am not a monster. I don't want to deprive anyone of anything. We've both decided to go ahead with the abortion and we're going to be taking a break away from each other. Its mutual. It's for the best for both of us. I am going to finish law school and get a job and we'll see where our relationship goes on the way. Also to whoever commented, I WAS on birth control, so we thought we were protected. My husband and I just each need a little space to cool off. He says he still loves me no matter what and that he hopes we can work out. Thanks to whoever posted positive comments it really helped me out.