
Can anybody give some insight on what it's like to go through a surgical abortion? What was the pain like, how did it feel? Can anyone just give some words on what they went through in order to help me out... found out I was pregnant and I'm 10 weeks, I want to keep the baby but I'm 18 and currently in college and I know my parents would freak and kick me out if they found out. My boyfriend decided that its just best if we abort because of how my family is and because of how they would flip my world upside down if they knew. I want the baby but it's just not possible 😭😭😭 it breaks my heart 💔 can someone please give some kind words or insight 😢

UPDATE: want to remain anonymous just in case of any rude comments but... currently crying as I am reading the comments, thank you all for your kind words and for the support. It means a lot since I have no one to talk to, thank you all of you 💕

UPDATE #2: I honestly never thought that I would get as many replies I did, but I just want to say THANK YOU ALL OF YOU!!!!! ❤️ everyone's comments have been so sweet and helpful and just very comforting and supportive and I appreciate every single one of you 😌 I know this is going to be a hard decision but all these comments are really starting to show me what I should do about my baby, thank you all again ❤

UPDATE #3: I will defiantly keep all you posted on my final decision 💕

UPDATE #4: looks like I'm keeping the baby 👶🏼😊❤️