Fallen out of love with my husband....

My husband was the absolute worst to me. Right after we got married, he completely changed into a monster. He would call me fat, tell me no one would want me because I had stretch marks and a c-section scar. He'd tell me he was going to "go fuck other bitches" when he was angry. He'd yell at me in front of my six year old daughter. I read texts on his phone of him telling his friend that they should go check out some ass. He'd change the bank account information whenever he was angry. He'd tell me I was a broke bitch and that everything I had was because of him, I was an unemployed college student. He'd leave me at home, alone, crying, after arguments to go out and get drunk with his friends. On my birthday, we had saved up money that I could use on whatever I wanted, we got into an argument, he left me at home while he went out with his friends, and he spent the only birthday money I had. He is in the Army, the morning of the day that he left for a nine month deployment, he told me I was a worthless bitch and that he wanted to bash my skull in because I couldn't help him move the refrigerator out of our house during our move-out. The list could go on and on. I was quite ugly to him at times too. I'd snap back with insults, one day out of anger I broke his Xbox controller. It was a very unhealthy relationship. While on his deployment, he got lonely. He told me he realized he was a monster and that he wanted to change and be a better man for me. He decided this after me begging him to do so countless amounts of times. When he was back home with all of his friends, he didn't give one fuck about me, but now that he was away from his friends, alone, overseas, he wanted me. I feel like it is too late. I feel I've fallen out of love with him. I gave this man my all, and he destroyed me. During his deployment, I've been happy. I've reconnected with friends, got a job, started living for me. Having fun again. Now he's begging me to give him another chance. This would probably be the 30th chance I'd give him. I don't want to. I feel miserable inside knowing I'd be breaking his heart though. This is so difficult for me. I need advice, opinions, input. Something. Please.