Losing a child, then feeling similar about something else

Maggie • My husband and I had been TTC # 2 since September 2014, baby number 2 was lost on Mother's Day 2017. Our rainbow baby will be here April 27th. 🖤 We have a 6 year old little girl and a little boy on the way.

I am finally starting to get out of the funk I've been in since losing our little one on Mother's day, but my little girl is starting Kindergarten Tuesday and I don't want it to put me back into the situational depression.

It seems rediculous but it feels like I'm losing her too, we use to spend all day together and now she will be gone most days. After losing a child, watching my only one go to school feels much worse than it is.

How do you guys handle being away from them so long when you are having a hard time with it? I just started getting out of this funk, I don't want to be lost again.