1 month old Day Routine Schedule - thoughts?


Our night nanny has come up with a daily schedule for our son since he is awake a lot more these days. We are struggling to get out of the house most days since it's a blur of changing nappies, showering puke and pee off of ourselves, feedings, pumping, soothing, singing, and playing with him. Today it took us 3 hours to get ready to go out for lunch. 2 showers, 5 nappy changes and 2 feedings + household chores, feeding the animals, catching the bird the cats brought into the house, finding the dog leash, doing phone calls.

The plan she has for us is below... does it sound doable? I have very little faith that we will be able to stick to it. He gets overtired sometimes at the moment and naps don't seem long enough or frequent enough.

He also loves his bath time and gets really angry when we take him out. Usually we spend 30-45 minutes just helping him chill out after having to get out the bath. Lots of dancing and songs, moving to different rooms to keep him interested, calm and to forget about bath time. He doesn't want to eat because he is just so moody until he calms down.