And it hurts

Just delivered a beautiful baby girl a little over a week ago & dad was there stayed with me a few nights after I came home (even tho we aren't together) . Throughout my pregnancy he promised things would get better between he and I with our relationship so needless to say I was holding on to hope all pregnancy and even now til this day . When we are around each other he flirts an acts like we are perfectly fine but when we are apart it's like I don't even exists . We once baby girl was born I guess I wanted sudden actions an wanted him to be ready to fix things asap . That's my bad . But he goes clubbing or drinking every night and doesn't even call to check on us or even just the baby . Well recently his step mom asked him what me an him was doin his response was "nah shawdy I'm single" even tho I know we aren't together those words broke my heart the same as it did the first time specially because I was still hoping things would turn around I've prayed night and day I've cried til red in the face an it all still hurts so I texted him and told him I will let go of my fairytale relationship since he doesn't wanna fix it and I'll be baby mom an he baby dad .. he replied " what r u talking about " smh and I know I'm not the first or last to go thru this but I don't even know how to get pass it . It hurts so bad .