I have 99 problems and a this is one


I have been in a long distance relationship for around 5 months now and fortunately we've made it work and seen each other quite often. In a month I'll be moving to where he lives for university and so won't be too far from each other.

Last week I found out that he'd kissed another girl and had continued talking to her until I approached him about it after seeing messages from her pop up on his phone (he's staying with me right now). He swears that he didn't want it to happen and he pushed her off but they had continued talking and she had sent nudes and such even though he said that he didn't want them. During this time he never mentioned to her that he had a girlfriend.

Of course I was upset and he begged me not to leave him and said he was going to tell me when I had settled in uni so "I could move on easier if we broke up"

His reasoning for continuing to talk to her was because he's going through a rough patch at home and needed someone to talk to which I understand as over text it's hard to explain/console.

I'm not sure what to do right now. He said that he knows he was wrong and he never meant for it to happen and it'll never happen again but the trust has been damaged. Ironically he gets mad if I talk to any of my guy friends and said that he also thought I was cheating on him even though I had previously always asked if it was ok to talk to them.

I guess I'm just asking for your views on this