Child's Father Left Me Again , Please Pray For Me 😔

Alexis • Walk by faith & Not by sight 💕 22 ; Pregnant with First Child 👶🏾
I've been with this guy for about 5 years now . And I recently fell pregnant in April. But my whole pregnancy has been nothing but sadness, unfortunately he's been in and out the whole time . He always breaks up with me and I take him back . But then he'll find a small reason just to leave again. I try to talk to him and change my attitude and have more sex or anything he complains about. This time it's about financial issues when we first started dating he didn't have a job or really couldn't keep one so I would help him with everything he needed and tried to be his support system. But now fast forward he has a good job and I don't have a job at all  so whenever we go out he has to pay . We haven't been able to get our own apartment because of our financial issues and he's been complaining about how he needs help and he's tired of being stuck in the same spot . I told him if he could just be patient things will work out with me getting a job . But I'm just very picky about it right now because I'm pregnant. I admit I haven't had any money so I haven't been able to get my hair or nails done or buy new clothes so I've been looking rough and not as girly. He broke up with me again this morning and it hurts. Because I stood by him when he had nothing. Never complained , never left , never threw it up in his face that he didn't have one . I respected his manhood . I just pray that this time I can stay strong and not let him come back . I have to be strong and not stress because I don't want it to hurt my baby . Please pray for me . Thanks 🙏🏾❤️