Help me with my sneezing!


So I am almost 16 weeks. Starting yesterday though, I CAN NOT stop sneezing. Ive probably sneezed 10 times already writing what I've written so far. I've read that it's normal for your sinuses to swell which can cause this. But this is getting out of hand. It's only 2:00 and no joke, I've probably sneezed close to 100 times if not more already. And that's NOT over exaggerating. I've tried blowing my nose but my nose is starting to get raw. I've tried a nasel chlorine pot, but that hasn't helped either.

I'm not coughing or have any other symptoms. But me sneezing this much is making my eyes water constantly all day. I've been getting plenty of sleep and I've been taking all of my vitamins. Is there an OTC medicine I can take?

Thanks for any advice!

-sincerely- a girl who has sneezed 6 more times finishing this. 🤧