Is your BF like this? 🤔

So my bf seems to get rather offended whenever I try and explain to him that most women don't climax with penetration alone. I tried to explain to him that there's a REASON a lot of women prefer to have some oral sex or fingering done before they're ready for some penis action. 🙄 He gets all upset and even once said that "he just couldn't accept that". I'm thinking maybe he still has some insecurities on his part? Also, just an fyi, were religious and he said that he "couldn't accept that our parts were created with such a disadvantage". 😒 I don't see it as a disadvantage AT ALL. He also got upset when I told him it takes years to perfect a simultaneous orgasm (which I have learned recently that a lot of men strive for this so I wasn't surprised when he expressed this). But how should I approach this? Subtly, like maybe by making him more confident about his role by complimenting him even more? Do any of you have a similar problem? I'd love some advice. ❤️