Critical mother

Does anyone else have a mother who is so critical of EVERYTHING ?! My good friend is throwing my baby shower and I asked my mom if she would like to make some centerpieces and showed her some pics . She said "no" I asked why and her response was "they aren't cute." They match the theme that my friend is doing ! My mom is such a bitch criticizing everything that I say and do and she thinks that I'm going to let her around my child alone. Not hardly ! She's severely mentally ill and just flat out nuts. But yet she picked out pop up centerpieces from the dollar tree that she thought was "cute." She has such major jealousy issues that she can't stand for someone else to do something for me. She wanted to do everything from buy all of the baby's stuff to the shower , etc . Because she was so afraid of someone else stepping in and helping and her not being in the spotlight .