Oral Sex Tips?


*Please no judgmental or sarcastic comments on this post. My husband and I are reserved (both of us!) and break into things slowly and we have our preferences. I know this will probably be a pretty unusual post!*

Today my husband and I tried oral on me for the first time! We haven't done oral on either of us mostly because my husband is grossed out by the idea of mouths in those places! But while he doesn't want me to get my mouth anywhere near his junk, he's always said he would be willing to try on me. We almost did a few days ago but he was put off by my hair down there. Today I trimmed up and came out right after a shower, all clean, and we tried it! And he went for a bit, us taking it slow and talking off and on, feedback, that kind of thing, and then after he got me going but tongue got tired/had all the novelty he would handle for the day, he finished me off with his hand and it was AMAZING 🤤 I giggled like a maniac afterwards I was so giddy 😂

I have to ask for some advice though. Tips on dealing with hair? I DO NOT shave down there. I did once and it was HORRIBLE. It felt awful everything wrong. Clothes rubbing and skin sweating and constant underwear riding up into a massive camel toe it was so uncomfortable and just one of the most regretful decisions of my life 😂 And the itching as it grew back. I do keep myself neatly trimmed with scissors! (And clean up my bikini line when necessary of course) But that's it.

My husband is still a little iffy about the hair like it touched his nose today (he has a big nose haha). He tried holding my lady bits apart with his hand positioned from the top to provide some barrier between his face and the hair I still had. But any tips on a guy giving oral if you have hair down there? (Again please don't suggest shaving it's not an option for me; I'm looking for others that don't involve that!)

Edit: it isn't that the act of shaving is bad; I didn't cut myself or anything or get razor burn. It's being hairless that was so uncomfortable for me. Plus I'm a firm believer that it's more hygienic to have hair down there, at least it's always been great for me! Have never had any problems of any kind. So I like having it and it's not something I'm willing to trade for the sexual pleasure. I'd just go without oral, given the two options! But if there are ways we can make it less intrusive for my husband, more pleasant for him, that's what I'm looking for!