might be long sorry but im freaking out!

Melissa • First time momma, down syndrome momma, single momma

im 22 yrs and 24 weeks & 5 days. i got a call today from the high risk dr(since the tests have come back positive for down syndrome) she asked me how my 3 day weekend was since it's labor day and I said it was going good then all of a sudden she started telling me the results of an ultrasound/fetal ecocardiogram from last Wednesday and didn't even give me a chance to say anything to her. I wanted her to tell me and my parents since they go to all the appointments with me what was going on also. I wasn't home but on my way. well I finally got home and she just paused for the first time since she started saying everything. and I told her if she can please repeat what she said since I was now home. she told me someone from the office call me tomorrow to make an appointment to discuss the results in person since there were sudden changes. so now I'm freaking out don't know what I heard was even what I heard let alone even understood her right. all I got was that the umbilical cord was weak, a part of my sons heart was skinnier then normal, and I'm going to have to be going in once or twice a week for closer monitoring. I'm so lost on what to do. all I feel like I can do is cry my eyes out.