Pretty sure my mom is an alcoholic.


My mom hasn't gone grocery shopping in almost 3 weeks but has got fucking alcohol almost every other day. 😩😡

I finally accepted it this fact but its hard cuz I still flipping depend on her since I don't have a licence yet and my anxiety has gotten worse.

I know my fiance will make me cut her out of our lives once we get on our feet. I won't stop him since it'll probably be only way she'll accept she has a problem. But might not. Its hard cuz she never really drink until she meet her husband. My brothers and me made it clear we didn't like him at all but she didn't give a fuck what we said so we give up trying after like 5/6 years. Even though he did abuse one of her sons but didn't do shit only happen once but still.

I can't wait to get out of this house and take my daughter away from all their drinking I'm so fucking done. Plus on top of that my mom gets mad at me for needing to go to stores since she'll have to drive. I hate driving with my mom, she so damn moody without a damn wine cooler since her bithday in July.