A rant about people who rort the system for benefits..

I have had the worst day .. I am a Mother of 4 and trying to work to help my partner pay the bills. He has a good job but lets face it, kids are expensive and extra money helps. I also like the idea of having a life outside the home. I am driving a real crappy car because the nice car I had ... it blew up. idk what happened to it but we cant afford to repair it so im driving this old crappy car.. still gets me from a to b so not overly complaining but this is what really pisses me off.... a girl who i talk to at my kids school is married and collecting a single parent pension claiming theyre separated but theyre not, never have been. They have kids, been married a decade, go to the gym together and because she gets $600pw extra now for claiming the pension she can afford nice fancy clothes, a gym membership and today told me they got a BRAND NEW CAR. I died a little inside knowing theyre living so easily at tax payers expense. meanwhile, im slaving away at work and making VERY MINIMAL WAGES. I cant afford nice clothes, a gym membership or even a nice second hand car let alone a new one. I came home so upset I reported her as defrauding the system ... I secretly hope now that she loses it all and has to pay it all back.