Scary but amazing story.

6 years ago I gave birth to an amazing little girl. On her 20 week scan picture it looked like another baby was led behind her, she was pressed up against my stomach and it looked like this baby had his/her knee in her back. Last year I was told I wouldn't carry any more children and was due to have my ovaries removed at some point this year.. In February my little girl told me I was pregnant and I laughed.. two weeks later I took a test due to symptoms and I was actually pregnant! She then told me he was a boy and I laughed again as we hadn't had a boy born in over 25 years. She said 'I know he's a boy, I seen him in heaven, he came with me the first time but wasn't ready and was taken back!! At my 15 week scan I was told low and behold that he was a boy! She then told me he looked like her, exactly like her.. (they have different fathers, both completely different.)  At my 29 week 4D scan I couldn't actually believe how much he looked like her! She sat there all smug and said "I told you. He was supposed to be my twin but he wasn't ready and was taken back to heaven!" (We are not a religious family.) I am due in just over 6 weeks and I'm eager to see what he looks like now! She's told me what colour hair and eyes he will have so we will see haha! She also told me on one of the scan pictures god is holding him. Have a nosey for yourselves. ❤️
Scan picture where it looks like a full baby behind her.. smaller head no bone structure.