When you get a Pap smear, what is it testing for?

BrightPink • We`re a national nonprofit on a mission to save women`s lives from breast and ovarian cancer.

TRUTH: Pap smears test for cervical cancer - NOT ovarian cancer. There is no test for ovarian cancer, so practicing Ovarian Self-Awareness is key to detecting ovarian cancer at early, non-life-threatening stages.

1 in 75 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It is the deadliest gynecologic disease because symptoms are often confused with digestive or menstruation issues, leading to late stage diagnosis. But when identified early, the 5-year survival rate is greater than 92%!

Visit www.BrightPink.org/OvarianSelfAware to learn more about ovarian cancer symptoms and about how family health history affects your personal risk of ovarian cancer.

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