Worried Mommy at 15 weeks!


I keep having crazy tightening of my stomach constantly. Itll tighten up then relax constantly. I read if its more than 4 within an hr to get seen. It started lastnight and I was having bad pelvic pressure as well with dull back pain. I called the nurse on call she told me to make an appointment. I tried doing so this mornin and the receptionist wanted to be a smart ass so I hung up. It has started back up again this mornin and keeps coming and going. I know it could be braxton hicks. But the thought of preterm labor scares me. Im also horrible with drinking fluids which is bad but i never feel dehydrated but im also thinking it could be that. Another question..could it all just be bad gas..because every time i feel the tightenin just about it feels like a fart..i know probably tmi but yeah .. Has any other moms experienced this. Im trying to wait it out n drink fluids to see if thats it because the dr i go to is a good drive away and the hospital near me doesnt have a baby department. any thoughys????