Positivity up in hurrr! 😉

I was looking through my <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.nurture">nurture</a> app like I always do because I absolutely love seeing how my little nugget is growing as well as all the excitement of Mommy's to be (or be again) all the way down to the overwhelming support giving to the mothers from other members who have experienced a heartbreak in some way. Either way I just love being apart of this group!

Well I happened to come across a post that didn't sit right with me too well.. it said "if people wouldn't downplay pregnancy and make it seem not so bad, then people wouldn't be mislead to believe pregnancy is a piece of cake" those were not the exact words, but they were along those lines.

Now, I am in no way saying that pregnancy is like skipping through a field of Daisy's but I do have to disagree some. All pregnancies are different. I know with my first I had no symptoms till the 3rd trimester, so I was feeling great! With the one I'm pregnant with now... well let's just say it's a whole different story. Anyways, I guess what I want to shed some light on is that no matter how your pregnancy goes, remember that it's unique in its own way and no matter how easy or hard it may be for you, just know that you will make it through and be blessed no matter what happens! Stay strong all you new moms, old moms, future moms, angel baby moms and whatever kind of mom you are. Enjoy the time you have being pregnant! It goes by way to fast. ❤️