Random & Weird..


So I had this dream last night I flew down to Florida to see my boyfriend. (I am flying in November) Anyways I got there & we are just chilling outside cooking on the grill when people started running around saying 'it's category 5 we're all fucked!' Etc etc. & I thought it was odd, & it started hailing like really fast with giant pieces bigger than a ping pong ball. So we ran under the porch roof & watched people panic everywhere. & I said 'there can't be a category 5 storm here right? Isn't that extremely bad?' & he didn't hear me, but I saw lightning really close near by & then all of a sudden I see that theres huge waves coming that had debris & garbage mixed in and it was ruining everything in its path. They were going all over & really tall. So we freaked out & grabbed things & got on the roof. We had a blanket & we were holding hands & as it almost hit us I woke up. So after I wake up I have a news notification on my phone. I just thought it was the weirdest coincidence. Opinions?