Boyfriend is making me depressed


I've been with my S.O for 2 years and when we first started dating. I was the happiest person in the world. I felt like I was floating every day.... until. We were 5 months and I found out that he was talking to his neighbor (he lives in a apartment complex) and he had told me he was gaining feelings for her. I had talked to him about it and he had told me that he didn't want to lose me so he stopped talking to her.

But we were never the same after that, we would talk everyday on the phone and would text all the time before but after we soon started talking less and less then it went to just "good morning" and "goodnight" messages he wouldn't answer my calls or facetimes

This lasted until we were 1 year and then things picked up we were happy again and things were okay not great but ok But it seemed that every time he didn't get his way he would withdraw from me and when I would try to talk to him he would calling me names like "annoying" "Bitch" "stupid" "idiot" and then he started ignoring me and blocking my number because he was mad

we are now 2 years and he's blocked my number again. And I can't help but to feel so shitty and disconnected from everything

Idk if this is healthy for me anymore. I love him with all my heart and would die for him but it kills me to see how this has dragged me down. His sister is like my best friend so I don't know what to do Bc when I talk to her about it she's always telling me to just leave to teach him a lesson . I've never been this way with anyone before. I need advice should I try to talk to him about it again (this will be the 4th conversation we've had about it) or should I just leave