Help Separating past from present!!


My boyfriend and I have 3 adopted fur babies, (Black kitty Toothless, White kitty named Mew, and a beagle/Red Heeler puppy named Courage.) We have our own place and we love each other so deeply.

I was in a relationship for 7 years and it ended about 7 months ago. He always put everything else before me and I finally was able to walk away from that mentally abusive relationship. My SO and I have been together for 6 months and he's seriously the sweetest. 💗 he treats me like I've never been treated.

BUT- I'm starting to think that I'm a terrible girlfriend because I dealt with an A-hole for 7 years (from the time I was 14 until I was almost 22 years old) that I just don't know how to react correctly with him. He pays for just about everything. He also gives me so much affection that sometimes I feel suffocated. 😭

He is the best thing that's happened to me though. There is no doubt about that. I have crazy mood swings sometimes and he deals with them bc he loves me! I'm so beyond lucky to have him.

Does anyone else have trouble trying to reason with themselves??

I mean, he's still a man!! So obviously lol. He recently did laundry for the first time at our place together and the return hose popped off and flooded out kitchen!! I was at work and he text me saying he was using the cat litter to soak up some of the water!! (He works on cars and I guess since it soaks up oils, he probably just assumed...LMAO)

But, I'm trying to get insight on how to deal with separating this relationship from my last. I don't ever compare the two- bc I know that's unfair. But- he's amazing to me and doesn't deserve this! I just don't have the patience like I used to! He deals with it, but I don't want to be mean anymore😭😭😔