32 weeks weight gain

am I over reacting? My Dr is on my about my weight gain. I gain about 1 pound a week. my fundal height is measuring right on track and I'm on the cusp of gestational diabetes, I passed the 3 hr, but I guess not by much. Anyway, the Dr mentioned re-testing me. the last time I saw him I gained 6 pounds and it was 6 weeks simce I last saw him. in that 6 weeks I had the 1 hour, the 3 hr, and for the 3hr I had to be on a high carb diet for 3 days.i contribute all that toward the 6 pound weight gain. I've been extremely active and eating healthier then pre-pregnacy, but still gain almost consistently. I was told I should only gain 15 pounds this pregnancy, so far I'm up 18 and have 8 weeks to go. based on my own research and my bmi, I should gain up to 20. my Dr with my first never mentioned my weight and she was born healthy and no problems. this Dr is focused on weight so much it's causing my anxiety to go through the roof that I'm obsessing and can't sleep. (I was medicated before pregnancy and stopped when I found out) am I in the wrong to be mad at the Dr for only focusing on weight and me as a number on a chart? all my blood work is normal, blood pressure normal, pee samples normal, and baby measuring 2 days behind as of 22 weeks, but told healthy and normal. is the Dr right and 1 pound a week for the 3rd trimester abnormal? I lost 1.5 pounds in my 2nd trimester and he was on my ads about that too... any advice? ***18 gained so far with 8 weeks to go***