been TTC for 7 months after being on the coil, then the injection before that then the implant befor...

been TTC for 7 months after being on the coil, then the injection before that then the implant before that. had a small bleed on 7th august 2017 and started to develop symptoms like severe bloating and some cramping but none of the other common symptoms so was very confusing! a week later after the bleed I took a test.. negative.. a week after that spoke to a doctor and they reccommended waiting more. the whole month was full of hope and waiting and fear of disappointment. another test taken just over a week ago. still negative! but I didnt believe it. i felt pregnant, I couldn't get comfortable when in was sitting down as if there wasn't enough room in my stomach but I never gain weight. that was the only test I've done where I didnt feel utter heartbreak. I knew I just had to be patient. on Monday 4th September I rang the doctor to arrange a blood test but they were really busy and I wasn't going to get a call back to arrange appt until later that day so I thought what the heck! I will do another test now anyway while I have time to kill... and within seconds I got My BFP!!! me and my partner are absolutely over the moon its been a long wait and we can finally begin our magical journey to completing our family!