Almost to my fertility consult on 9/11


My husband and I have been trying to conceive since his reverse vasectomy this year in February . All test results have come back amazing .... we have had no luck with everything we have tried thus far this year . I know people say it takes time , and to not worry or stress , ( easier said than done ) .... this is both mine and my husbands second marriage each and he's had two kids with his ex wife of 15 years, I've always wanted my own flesh and blood to carry along with me through life and I'm happy to know my husband has made such sacrifices to do the same in such a bond with me ... but knowing that my husbands AR sperm analysis came back so strong, I know the finger will be pointed at me, with our consultation I'm curious as to how quickly and by what decision to they choose to put women on Clomid and such assisting prescriptions to help women TTC. . I know my consultation is next Monday but I'm dying to know what I might be facing for the first visit and what I can do to help get this ball rolling .... weirdly enough I will be ovulating that very day we go in as well .... any input from you ladies is greatly appreciated!!! I'm excited and nervous to say the least but excited to be starting this venture with the professionals, gives me another sense of hope . Fingers are crossed , and trying my last option before diving into fertility help and thats " the stork" ...