TTC at 5 months postpartum (kinda long, please read)

Alexis • 💙Brantley Paul👶🏻

My son is 5 months old. I'm exclusively breastfeeding so I have yet to have a period since my postpartum bleeding stopped at 3 weeks (I had sporadic bleeding on and off until 8 weeks)

I want to start TTC because I feel as though I'm ready for another child, but I feel as though I won't be able to get pregnant since I haven't had a period. I conceived my first without a period whatsoever, and he was born very healthy. Is it safe to start TTC? My first pregnancy was very healthy and my doctor had no concerns about my body at my postpartum checkup.

How soon did you conceive after your first?

Were you breastfeeding?

Had you gotten your period back yet?