Straight but freaky or is he bi?


Okay so my boyfriend tends to joke around with his friends and grabbing each other's booty... never thought nothing of it til today. We were trying to have fun sex. I found out from an ex he liked to have things stuck up his but.... well today I found out it was true. When I asked him if I could stick something in his booty (just to see what he'd say) he was all happy. Then I made up a fake 3sum with me him and a gay guy who only wanted him. I told him he would be gay, it's just a 3sum... just to see what he'd do or say....he turned it down.... but didn't turn down me putting stuff up his booty.... no sex toys so he was finding things around the house.... well let's just say today I had the craziest freaky sex ever... and I was more worried about having poop on my finger than enjoying it..... someone tell me if this is normal.... first time ever with a guy like this.... I enjoy booty playing but he gotta be playing with me not the other way around 🙄🙄