faking orgasams HELP!!


so me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years now. he is everything that I could have wanted and more. we are super open with each other sexually (what feels good, how to do it right, what doesn't and so forth). he's only actually made me orgasam once. I've been faking lately. it's not that it doesn't feel good it feels amazing, but I just can't get there. maybe because of nerves or something I'm not sure. my question is do I tell him that I've been faking? I'm fine with whatever were doing and it feels good. I just wish I could get off. tips? do I tell him? help!!

UPDATE: so I have no problem orgasaming. he knows how to do it and what I like. I've showed him and we've talked about it. I just can't get off sometimes. I might be the atmosphere but idk?