Lost my first baby. then 2 years later find out I have PCOS.

Latisha • Tishagurl808

Hello everyone! my name is Latisha Pacheco and I want to share with you all my story.

2 years ago I found out I was pregnant. I was scared and pretty nervous. but very excited!! so we made a doctors appointment and you would think that its going to be a good visit saying CONGRATULATIONS! but at my very first doctors appointment went downhill. they told me that there was something wrong with our baby. my heart immediately dropped and was

very scared. he said my baby's skull was not forming right. my baby's brain was exposed and that my baby had a lot of swelling all over its body. I was so worried and scared for my little baby.

Doctor sent me to a specialist the next day. they didn't know what was wrong with my baby. I was totally freaking out at this point. I had to take blood tests. I had a needle poked through my stomach to get some fluid from the baby's sac. I had so much tests done. and nothing was coming out right. there was nothing they could do. until they finally figured it out.

My baby had Achondrogenesis. Its a disease where your bones don't form right, no arms, no legs. nothing. my baby had no bones. :( he had a strong heartbeat but that was it. my baby would have never made it in this world. My baby was to precious for this world. my water broke at 31 weeks. I was not showing at all. I had a flat stomach. I never felt him move. no kicks. nothing. so I decided to let my baby be with god. to let him out of suffering. he can be free of all the pain. I am against abortion with all my passion but for this I had no choice.

but a few weeks later my baby came on his own at 31 weeks my water broke. I had to do am emergency c section. because he was too little and to fragile to come out vaginally. I never knew he was 31 weeks. like they always had a hard time telling how far along my son was because of his condition.

so on June 2nd 2015 on his daddy's birthday he was born and took one breath and grew his wings to be in heaven with god. I miss him more than anything ! R.I.P

now 2 years later I found out I have PCOS. what a nightmare.

than you all for taking your time to read my story. im sorry its so long.