I'm 34. Is Clomid too soon at month 4 of ttc?

I'm 34. About to start month #4 of attc; off bc 6 months. No kids. On bc for 14 years straight. Doctor prescribed 50mg Clomid to start this 4th cycle of ttc. I'm concerned I'm "jumping in" too fast? Should I wait to month 6? My last 3 periods have started 2 to 3 days late (or early), and lasted a bit longer than usual, which leads my gyno to believe an-ovulation. He also said we should be aggressive bc of my age. Last month I started the ovulation sticks for the fist time and never had a line as dark as the control line, but I'm VERY new to all of this and could've done something wrong. Is month 4 too soon to start clomid? The hormonal side affects I'm reading are scaring me.