husband thinks I do nothing all day


**RANY T ALERT** hi everyone im sorry i just need to vent at the moment due to my other half.I have a 1 month old baby who suffers with mild colic and reflux. my husband was amazing for the first few weeks doting on her and helping out with everything. now that he's back at work he comes back and finds a way to blame me for her discomfort and for her not sleeping. he also said today that he goes out to work all day whilst I sit at home doing nothing as looking after a baby is easy, I had been tidying the house and making tea and looking after our baby whilst being shattered as I'm up all night with her... I also try to take a nap in the middle of the day so I am more awake for the night feeds as he doesn't get up at night to help with looking after her and he doesn't feed her as she is breast fed (I have started to express now so he can do this) what has upset me the most is that he actually said that I am incompetent at being a mum and need to listen to what he tells me to do (this is both of our first child so it's not like he's that clued up on what to do either) he has even gone as far as telling me that I'm not doing a good job. because of his attitude towards me at the moment I'm starting to feel down and lonely and doubting myself everytime I am looking after my baby and have even cried because of him. please can anyone tell me if they have experienced this with their partners? has anyone got any tips on how to make him see sense?