Should I call the police?? Its long story


I know this is family and parenting but this topic is towards having older children. I have a 15yr old daughter. She is sweet(when she wants to be) very well mannered, and knows the proper way to handle things. The situation is this;

There is a boy that is the same age as her but bigger. He has had a thing for her since 6th grade. Now that they are both in 8th(long story about her age) he seems to be dead set on pursuing her. She has made it very clear she has NO interest in boys and she wants him to keep his distance. She makes sure that she is never alone and separates herself from him if they are in the same class. Well, 2 days ago, I get my daughter from school. She doesn't say much just the usual volleyball practice and excitement about her game coming up and her friends. She didn't tell me until we are home that this boy attack her. He put himself on her and pushed her against the wall with his body. He was so tight on her that she could not move her arms nor could she step on his feet to get him off of her. She had to resort to biting him. I asked her how this happened. She told me it was the end of class and everyone was getting ready to leave. No one thought he would try anything like that until it happened and no teacher intervened until she had already bit him to get him to move off of her. My daughter was crying telling me this and I was trying my best to stay calm and not shake with the amount of rage that was over coming me. I told her to use my bathroom and shower and she can use my lotion or whatever she likes to help relax. She did and was happy and just went to bed. I actually checked on her many times during the night crying because I could be be there to protect her from this boy and no one saw the warning signs. Well, someone did and failed to report it to have it stopped before it became physical!!! I had a teacher call me later in the evening and I stopped her before she could say much. I asked her how this could happen in a school with teachers there?!? How can no one see the warning signs!?! This had been going on since she started at the school a few weeks ago(she was at another school before she moved back here) and he was determined to go after her. Her friends have tried their best to help protect her but it shouldn't be her friends doing this, these teachers saw that this was going to happen and did nothing until it was too late. And what makes me really mad was it happened the next day again!!! They have 2 principals there and one was determined to keep her safe and this was a male but the female principal was so laid back about the situation. I honestly wanted to punch her in the face for her attitude towards my daughter. That is was her fault it happen! I have made it very clear that the next and final time he touches my daughter I'm calling the police and he will have a record. Their intervention team is lacking on its ability to stop this boy and his parents don't seem to care. So do you think I'm being overprotective?! Should I give the school a chance or be ready to have the police deal with this boy?!?


School contacted me and stated hat my daughter can use self defence moves. She took Tae Kwon Do and knows how but was scared she would get into trouble for using it. They said she can now! Thats sad because if they were confident with their intervention team, they wouldn't have to go give her approval to use self defence to stop him.