Letting baby nurse through nap time?


Are there any Mommas out there who let there baby nurse while napping?

My baby boy is 5 1/2 months old. I am a stay at home mom. I do work part time from home when my LO is playing. My work is super flexible so I can work any time of day or night as long as it's done by the end of the week.

My son sleeps very well in his crib. He has slept in his crib since he was 2 weeks old. I never bring him into my bed. However, I do let him sleep across my lap on the boppy pillow for all of his naps if we are home. He takes 2-3 naps a day. One of the naps is always 1.5-2 hours long and the others are 30-45 minutes. If I put him in the crib for naps they are all about 20 minutes. But when I let him nap on me he stays on the boob most of the time. Sometimes he'll spit it out and then about 10-20 minutes later he'll go at it again.

Does anyone else let their baby nap on them? I'm worried I'm spoiling him. I get all of the housework done, my work is always done on time, and I always have dinner made. It's not making me fall behind. But I just love when he naps on me and he seems to get better naps in. Plus it's a nice break for me to relax on the couch. Sometimes I can nap with him or I just watch Netflix. He still sleeps in his crib at night. He does get up 2-3 times but as soon as I nurse him he's back sleeping in his crib within 15-25 minutes.

Am I ruining my baby by letting him nurse while taking naps?