Anyone elses mother like to make them feel shitty

I'm 17 with a toddler and still live with my mom. Whenever we get into arguments she ALWAYS throws things in my face, usually it's how she financially supports my child (Which she chose to do I didn't tell her to do it, I even told her she didn't have to do it) Well today she threw up in my face that I didn't want my child.

He's two, he's starting acting awful, and I have a lot stress on me. I did tell her that I had wished I'd given him up for adoption when I had him because I feel like I can't give him what he deserves, but I was stressed and depressed, I didn't actually mean it. But she was throwing up in my face how I didn't want my son, that I wanted to give him away, blah blah blah. This all started because I was talking about how I was sad that I never get to do anything with my best friend because I have nobody to watch him, (I haven't been anywhere without him in almost a year and that was because my sister was nice enough to watch him) She told me that I gave up my life when I decided to get pregnant (I didn't decide to get pregnant🙄 I was on birth control and taking it right when I got pregnant but she refuses to believe it) I'm sorry but I feel like I should at least get to do something every once in awhile. I don't even leave my house, barely ever. I just wish she didn't throw things up in my face like this and makes me feel shittier than I already do about myself..

I'm not trying to make anyone feel sorry for me, It's just she does this 24/7 with EVERYTHING. And if I tell her that I'm tired of her throwing things up in my face she denies that she ever did even though five minutes before that's exactly what she was doing.

**This isn't even all of it I would explain the whole story but I'd be here all day. I don't have the money to "just move out." Wish it was that easy.😂 I had a friend that offered to let me stay rent free with her for awhile until I got on my feet and my mom threatened to call the cops and tell them I was "running away" and said she would get my son taken from me and where I live they can do that because I'm under the age of 19.

Also, she won't let me get a job and the way my situation is she's the only person that could take me to work, I don't have a dad, I don't have any friends besides one and she's currently in a situation where she's struggling bad so she can't help, I don't have a car because I don't have the money to just go out and get one, me and my child's father don't talk and he's not even apart of our sons life. I asked her if I got a job would she mind just dropping me off and picking me up and she told me that right now I need to be home raising my son, and focusing on my education, that a job can wait. I can't even go back to school because she won't go talk to the principal about getting me back in (she has to be the one to do it because I'm underage)

It's honestly like she WANTS to keep me here, and wants me to need her for everything but then throws it in my face when she gets mad.