15 weeks. Crazy story 😣🙄


So was supper happy I had turned 15 weeks today!! Everything was going well I was at home with my son cooking lunch as three white men pulled up to the front of my house and knocked the door and I slowly just backed away from the kitchen as there is a window we're the person can see you and they started screaming "I know you are in there open your fucking door" and I got supper scared and they kept cussing at me to open my house door because they weren't going to stop till they got inside so I quickly grabbed my son turned the tv off and closed the backyard door quickly and the guys start laughing saying that they can hear me and to let them in I ran to the room and hid my son somewhere safe and called my mother as soon as I could and I felt my hear racing so fast and my body started to panic and my mom said she would call my brother to go over asap as he lives 10 mins away from me and I hung up fast as I heard they trying to break the front door down and I called 911 and told them what was happening the operator calmed me down a bit but I couldn't hear them anymore and peeked thru the hole and saw them inspecting my car and trying to break in to my car and I remembered my room window was wide open and I ran as fast as I could to close it and as I did that they spotted me and started cussing at me telling me to man up and give them their shit back saying how I stole their bong and iPad and I was so confused and they started to slam my window and doing everything they could to get into my house and then everything stopped and the and the cops showed up. To end it all it was a druggie kid that brought two of his friends because he had his iPad stolen and bong and I guess the find my device pointed to my house and the cops sat them down outside and came to talk to me saying how they just want their iPad back mind me I was scared for my life and my sons life thinking they were going to harm me my heart was beating so fast I could not think straight having a major panic attack and I told them I don't have anything like that and asked me about my neighbor and I told the cops my neighbor has had drug problems and is not a good person so Of course they found the guys bong and iPad and other stuff at my neighbors house arrested him but let those three men walk free after everything because they were the true "victims" they may have not harmed me in any physical way but they had me scared shitless for my sons and my life as I did not know what they were capable of doing. I was so upset and was shaking like crazy and I'm now currently at the ER waiting to get released. Just thanking god i did not open my door and for protecting me and my son along with my unborn baby. If you read this far thank you just had to get it out of my chest! :( I'm still shaking like crazy but glad my baby boy is doing fine and my other baby boy is fine as well and has a healthy heart beat 💙😞