Needing some support


Hey everyone. So, long story short, I'm 36 weeks today, and I also have epilepsy. During the first and second trimesters, I had a huge increase in my previously under control seizure activity. (EEG said abnormal brain activity every 1-3 seconds). In the past couple of months, I got it back under control, and everything was great. That is, until 2 nights ago, I had another "partial" seizure. At my OB appointment the next day, she said that if I have anymore, she's going to want to go ahead and induce me (was already planing on getting induced at 39 wks). Then tonight, I had another one. I'm trying not to freak out but I'm just really stressed and I'm tired of having problems this entire pregnancy. It just makes me feel like I'm gonna be a bad mom. Words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated. Thanks