I feel like I sexually disappoint

Fawn • Proud mommy of 3 💝💙💙

As all you ladies know, sex can be very awkward and it is and we just go with it in the awkward natural way we do. But tonight, I felt inadequate. From start to finish I felt awkward, discomfort, pain, and just all around like a disappointed.... I asked my bf if I did, and he said no and told me to just keep in my mind that in a month it'll be different. What he doesn't realize is those are not comfort words to me even tho I know he feels they are.... I still cried for the first time ever after he went into the shower.

I know he's not disappointed at all, but I am... in me.

Can anyone relate? Please don't tell me I'm alone in this.

Thank you for reading. He's asleep and I just needed some ladies that could relate or something.

Thank you in advance